- Multiple Dates

Celebrate your love of a galaxy far, far away at our May the 4th Be With You Comedy Show, Dinner and Silent Auction. It’s the Light Side vs. the Dark Side in a galactic battle of electrical vs. HVAC. Will the Rebel Alliance restore freedom to the Galaxy? You and your bids will decide! This comedy showdown is a high energy hilarious experience. Featuring greetings from "Vader" from the Farm Friends Petting Zoo. Buy a table! Bring friends!
Tickets Available from the Board of Directors
or email dunmoreequestrian@gmail.com
Dunmore Chore Team Competition

Saturday, June 15
Adults $10 | 16 & under – Free
Rick Porter
Blue Sky Veterinary Services
Watson Cattle Company
Gary & Kay Hause
For information contact Glen 403-866-1875
Dunmore Equestrian riding arenas
built to last

Rain or shine, the Dunmore Equestrian indoor riding arena will soon be available year-round to help fulfill its mission of fostering growth, wellness and educational opportunities through the power of equestrian experiences. The new Community Ranch Arena is a 275x140’ indoor facility with bleacher seating for parents, coaches and fans, a restroom, storage area and multi- purpose area. “I’m excited about the possibilities that completion of the new indoor event centre will bring to Medicine Hat, Cypress County and surrounding communities. We still have a lot of work and fundraising to do but this facility will be ready for use this fall,” President Kelly Creasy said.
– photo by Susan Rex, The Buckin’ Photographer