Your Legacy.
Tomorrow's Reality.
Make a Difference
Please consider supporting Dunmore Equestrian in the following ways:

Building Fund
We need to raise $1 million to complete the electrical, HVAC, washrooms, bleachers, announcers booth, office, project management and insurance for the Community Ranch Arena. This public riding arena offers all-season space and will enable us to start therapy programs in the near future.

Give Where Needed Most
Unrestricted gifts are of critical importance and allow Dunmore Equestrian to meet the needs of our community, launch new services and support general operations. Your unrestricted gift will be used where needed most. We will keep you up-to-date with our quarterly newsletter.

Legacy Fund
An endowed gift is an investment in the future of western equine sport, therapy and agriculture industry at the Dunmore Equestrian Centre. An CFSEA endowment fund is recognized by the Government of Canada CRA and eligible to issue donation receipts and receive gifts from registered charities.
Please contact admin@dunmoreequestrian.com
Why Give
For over twelve years, we have witnessed the profound, life enhancing benefits of Equine Assisted Activities and Therapies. Benefits are not only physical but mental, emotional, and social. Our participants see increased self esteem, empowerment, and build relationships with peers, horses, volunteers and staff.
The fees our participants pay cover only 10% of the actual operating cost of this community equestrian recreational park. With your generous giving, we are able to maintain subsidized fees and when our growth reaches the next milestone, we will provide scholarships to those pursuing careers and post secondary education in equine and agricultural studies. You can help make Dunmore Equestrian grow their facilities, events and therapy programs for the area.
Other giving opportunities include Corporate Sponsorship, corporate sponsorship, capital projects, pledges, matching gifts through your employment, awards, and planned giving.

Thank you for supporting the Dunmore Equestrian Centre
We appreciate your donations and will keep you up-to-date on how we’re completing the Community Ranch Arena building, as well as, the timeline for adding the Community Culture Centre and Event Stable.
The Dunmore Equestrian Legacy Fund principal will never be spent, grow over time, with the interest providing a source of lasting support for future generations to continue our western traditions of heritage, culture and community.