Blair Reid
After 35 years of service, Blair retired from the Fire Service in 2001 and now continues to spend his time ranching. He was also a Hockey Scout for the Boston Bruins! Blairs background with horses is extensive, extending back to grade one when he rode his horse to school and by the age of 10 was driving a team picking up oat sheaves. Blairs Dad and Grampa both hayed and farmed with horses, giving him a vast amount of time to learn.
Blair was a volunteer with the Medicine Hat Stampede board from 11 years old, feeding and roping calves as well as sleeping in the mangers to prevent the city kids from turning the calves loose (a common prank). He watched as quads and machinery soon replaced horses and manual labor while kids started leaving the ranches to work in the oil patch and Blair started to become worried about losing our western heritage.
In 2012, after about 60 years working with Murray Leonard trying to get an Indoor Arena and being told that the Stampede Board would not be able to build on their site; he started researching the possibility of building a Facility at a different location than the Stampede grounds and if there was enough interest. Blair stopped in and talked to managers of approximately 150 different facilities across western Canada and the USA to find out what worked and what didn’t for them and with this knowledge in hand started pursuing a location with Highway visibility. After knocking on countless doors, Blair stopped to talk to Lance and Dan Cavan and after a couple of informative meetings, they decided it was something that their Dad (Warren) would approve off as well. The Cavans offered to donate 5 acres for the building site and create a lease to purchase agreement on another 20 acres; resulting in the beginning of Dunmore Equestrian Society.